How to better use in the classroom with the evaluation of the development of the times, China's primary English curriculum has made a lot of development, the community's primary concern is more English, that is our primary schools are gradually moving towards formal English. This is the result of joint efforts of the majority of teachers. However, due to economic and educational development of the imbalance, the English teaching in primary schools in each region a greater level of difference. But no matter in what areas we are teaching English in primary schools should first take into account the learning needs of students, primary and secondary school students to the age characteristics and development needs as a benchmark, instead of teaching English as the previous model,Only consider the language of imparting knowledge and understanding of the wrong approach, and dilute the process of the students and students learning skills training, particularly in teaching evaluation, the over-reliance on examinations. The lack of multiple evaluation methods and techniques used. Today we have to talk about this topic. First, we have to know what is the evaluation of multiple, pluralistic evaluation is to guide the teaching process and the smooth progress of the students and teachers to learn the results of the evaluation of teaching effectiveness. The main purpose of multi-evaluation is not to select a small number of outstanding students, but to find each student's learning potential, to promote student learning and for teachers to provide feedback,For individuals to provide useful feedback to the communities in which students provide useful information, this is conducive to schools, parents and communities to help students progress. Multiple evaluations attention from the day-to-day performance of students in the extraction of information technology, through the collection of students and teachers in day-to-day guidance, as well as classroom teaching atmosphere of information to help teachers to understand each student's learning and learning needs, at any time teaching Contents and methods, thereby enhancing the efficiency of classroom teaching, is a multi-evaluation of the overall concept, not only for students or teachers of teachers evaluate students, but also to their students, students of students, parentsStudents, parents, teachers, and other aspects of the evaluation. Secondly, the multi-evaluation of a variety of methods, such as: classroom learning activities and competitions, learning self-assessment, personal files, surveys, interviews, discussions, parent feedback, in peacetime, such as testing and learning diary. Teachers under the age of students learning styles and characteristics to take appropriate evaluation methods, these evaluation tools can show students from different angles on the content of the understanding and their emotional attitude. In day-to-day evaluation, teachers should also allow students according to their own strong points, or choose the right edge of the evaluation. If a student on his test resultsNot satisfied with the consultations with the teachers, not to put on record, through the students better prepared, you can take the test again. Then, primary school English teachers how to use evaluation in the classroom, the use of what kind of evaluation? Class standard curriculum reform spirit and philosophy tells us that education should promote the comprehensive development needs. So I think primary school English classroom teaching evaluation is to change the current primary school English classroom teaching just lively, pragmatic, only heavy, not re-based on the implementation of the activities carried out only heavy, not re-learning methods and changes in learning ability The training; only re-based, not-comprehensive language ability of the culture;English-only improving the quality of not re-integrated quality of the state, with the ultimate goal is to make students of English with a strong continuing interest in a solid foundation (including voice, tone, language sense; vocabulary; English learning methods and habits) , A comprehensive language ability, personality development, comprehensive sustainable development. So teaching is to promote the development of students, we naturally become primary school English classroom teaching to pursue the goals and evaluation of the key indicators. And do a good job teaching English in primary schools is particularly important, and the protection of classroom teaching an important measure of success is good use of classroom teaching evaluation tools. The author is onPrimary English Teaching evaluation strategy On a few comments. (A) how to control the scope of the first evaluation of classroom teaching, teachers should be based on the lessons of the main teaching tasks, identify the key areas of evaluation. If the hearing is mainly of course, will focus on evaluation of the students hearing on the evaluation activities, if that is the main course, it will focus on evaluation of the students said the activities. As with some skills-based activities, the activities of interludes other skills, teachers should not be on too much of the time everything will be evaluated. Listening activities such as the practice course in Reading, writing exercises, there is no need to read,Wrote on January 1 to be evaluated. Time does not allow not only the classroom, but students will also be confused, I do not know the class should pay attention to what skills.
在新课程理念下的高中英语阅读教学这一专题的第一个视频里, 鲁子问博士通过小组教学演示给我们展示了 ?阅读中的信息处理?这样一个教学片断.
这个片段里,鲁博士把阅读文My first ride on a train分个两个部分.
首先, 鲁博士问学生是否有类似的体验,如on a bus,从而激活学生已有信息.
然后,阅读第一部分,回答两个问题:What is the part about? What is it related to the topic? 在第一次阅读之后,学生知道文章讲camel,然后鲁博士让学生推测the relationship between camels and train. 引导学生明白both are means of transport?carry goods?教师一开始不评价,然后让学生继续阅读全文,验证自己的推测.
一. 教师要从认知心理学的角度,研究学生的阅读心理.利用图式理论激活学生已存储的信息,积极调动原有信息去理解阅读.
二. 阅读理解过程不仅仅是一个信息解码的过程,更是一个假设,推测,验证和取舍的过程.
三. 针对不同的阅读文,要有指导性地培养学生不同的阅读策略,提升阅读质量.不要在同一个层面上进行阅读.比如这里就显示了阅读文要注重篇章结构和信息的组织建构,要站在 ?整体阅读?的高度去理解文章.
Despite the frustrating years of dragging children out of bed and persuading them to go to school, young children have an internal drive to learn about their world and become industrious and productive individuals. Their educational eagerness and curiosity can either be stifled or encouraged by parents, teachers, and other adults.
鲁博士首先让大家通读全文,理解它主要讲什么---children?s education.在激活了学生的知识背景的前提下,再让学生理解生词.
鲁博士通过鼓励,启发,引导,帮助,参与,监控,适时的反馈与评价,出色地扮演了教师在生词处理中的角色.他恰当地 ?粗放经营?, 对不同的单词做了不同的处理.
比如frustrating. 下文后有dragging children out of bed, 在这里是一个negative word.而想到孩子们肯定那时是unpleasant.
又比如industrious. 在这里,并不是和industry相关,而和work hard意思相近.
又比如stifled. 根据句子结构either?or?,猜测与encouraged的意思相反.
比如internal drive 首先处理drive,鲁博士用充满激情的体态语和启发的方式让学生明白在这里的意思是sth makes you go forward,当学生说出motive,他指出这是名词,即motivation,然后处理internal, 来自于in,和 inside相近的意思.
又比如eagerness 和curiosity .通过构词法知道它们分别是来自词根eager和curious.
通过阅读课程文本和观看视频,我对 ?新课程下的高中英语阅读教学?提倡的理念和教学方法的理解更加深刻.
高中英语新课标摈弃传统的read for language, 倡导read for information, read beyond language, focus on meaning.超越传统的语言知识的积累,把语言上升到语用的角度.
高中英语新课标的目标突出了语言技能的重要性,强调在全面提高学生听说读写技能的综合运用能力的前提下,着重培养学生理解与表达的能力,用英语获取信息,处理信息的能力,分析问题,解决问题的能力,培养批判性思维,强调用英文思维,用英语做事的能力.这是符合当今社会实际的需要,因为我们面临的是一个 ?信息爆炸?的时代,靠单纯的记忆是远远不够的,学生需要学会如何获取,挑选,调取,整合信息,这对于他们未来的发展是大有好处的,因此,我们的高考也非常注重考察阅读能力,所以,阅读的教学显得至关重要.而教师的主要任务是要帮助学生养成符合自己的学习策略,也就是说要教会学生 ?会学?,而不仅仅教会学生 ?学会?.
一. 培养学生的基本阅读技能,如略读,寻读,预测,猜测词义,推理判断,了解重要细节,理解作者意图,把握全文结构等.
二. 以人为本,为学生的终身学习打下基础,注重培养学生的阅读策略,包括生词处理策略,文本阅读策略,图示利用策略,选择注意力策略,策略调控策略,文本利用策略,整体阅读策略,信息分析策略,结构分析策略等.针对不同的策略,采取不同的活动.
三. 阅读主要教学模式是PWP模式,即pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading,采取 ?任务型教学?.阅读前,要通过提问,头脑风暴,概念图,讨论等激活学生的原有知识,激发学生的兴趣和欲望.阅读中, 可以通过设置不同层次不同类型的任务,如略读,寻读,研读,为文章添加或选择标题,判断信息的正误,为文章的信息制作图表等,积极调动学生开展有效阅读.阅读后,可以开展角色扮演,改写,缩写,复述,讨论,采访,写摘要等活动.
一. 注重培养学生的基本阅读技能.
二. 开展限时训练,每天阅读一两篇,形成习惯.
三. 利用多种资源,采取多种方式激发学生学习兴趣.比如利用观看精美的相关,话题讨论,知识小竞赛,调查,歌曲,视频等来进行课前导入.阅读中,注意设置难易相当,形式多样的任务来让学生积极参加.阅读后,常常采用复述课文,角色扮演,讨论,做报告等形式进行升华.
比如学习SCEF Book3 Unit2 Working the land的Reading部分的A pioneer for all people,在导入部分我让学生欣赏了<悯农>这首大家耳熟能详的唐诗,激发了学生的兴趣,还教育了学生要珍惜粮食.在观看非洲挨饿的儿童的时,播放了Heal the world,启发学生要学好知识,争取以后为解决粮食问题做贡献.在阅读过程中,通过和标题的预测,略读,分段研读,填写袁隆平的基本信息,然后进行了设置了两个角色扮演的任务,一个情景是袁隆平参加湖南卫视何炅和谢娜所主持的<成人礼>,袁老赠送了青年人超级杂交水稻,假设你是主持人,用英文介绍袁隆平.另一个是凤凰卫视<鲁豫有约>节目曾经采访了袁隆平.假设你是鲁豫,对袁隆平进行采访.事实证明,学生对这些活动很感兴趣,在完成了相对容易的任务,获取了大量信息的基础之上,也有话可说,有话想说.
1.虽然有培养学生阅读策略的意识,但是培养得很不够,尤其是整体阅读策略,结构分析策略, 选择注意力策略,策略调控策略等.
2.没有做到每一堂阅读都做出精心的阅读设计, 阅读教学模式有点僵化,不够创新,使得阅读效率不够高.
调研中通过听课了解到,能真正体现新课程标准要求的课不太多,有的课仍然偏重语言知识的讲解和灌输,有的教师一节课一半以上时间用于讲解,大包大揽,代替学生学习。如教课文, 教师自己读,自己逐句翻译,自己归纳主旨要义;回答问题,学生答不出,教师就自给答案;甚至读单词也要教师代劳。语言练习过于机械,缺少有意义和交际性练习。教学活动设计不从学生实际出发,与学生认知水平脱节,造成实际教学效果差甚至无效。
2) 处理好教师用书与备课的关系。教参只是老师教学的一个参考,它只能起一个参考作用,我们备课要从实际出发,备教材,备学生,最好以一个单元为话题进行备课,对本单元有一个全面的把握。
3) 处理好教学法与五步骤之间的关系。我们在教学中可以根据实情,适当地增减内容,把握上课的主要脉络,分清重,难点,有条理地组织课堂教学,可以尝试改变传统教法,鼓励老师使用多媒体教学。
1. 理念与现实的矛盾。
3. 未处理好传统教学方法的继承与创新。
d. 处理好英语与母语的关系。
教师所使用的英语要适合学生的实际水平,要利用学生已学的英语来解释或表达新的教学内容。最后要牢记"Use English whenever possible; use Chinese if necessary"。
Under the background of the new curriculum primary school English teaching effectiveness strategies
4.1、Class preparation
Prepare lessons before class, including teachers and students of the preview. Teachers should emphasize preparing lessons, independent study independent, and to advocate cooperation study, preparing for the collective, improve the quality of the preparation, Teachers should also teach students some preparation methods, and through the classroom training to improve the quality of a preview. So to improve the effectiveness of preparing students and the effectiveness of the preview is what we must research strategy. Teachers in preparation for teaching activities, the creation don't too complicated situation, should pay attention to the teaching time distribution. With the establishment of teaching content to students of real life situation is to improve the effectiveness of teaching is the important way. For example, in learning vocabulary, some teachers stationery guessing game design, let the students guess several bags, stationery, teachers are subject animals in the zoo design student, lets the student verbal description they are familiar with animals. These environmental creation is for students in the limited time learning objectives, teaching objectives are clear. However, some of the teachers' teaching environment of too. For example, a teacher in a birthday gift "professor" the content, design of birthday cake, teachers using half stanza lesson of time, lets the student with props as a birthday cake, for instance, some teachers in teaching "under"), on the design of hide-and-seek activities, teachers carefully! ChengGuTing classrooms, a bed room, table, box objects such as a student, blindfolded guess another student hiding place, because the student to have very interested in the scene, the activities of inattention to use language teaching activities of the position of the students, and the scene is limited, only have 2 meters of the students to participate in the activities, yes, the efficiency is greatly reduced the whole class arrangement quite unreasonable, can only say, no more than content to form the teaching goal, therefore, teachers in preparing, not only should pay attention to when creating context teaching situation of authenticity, interesting, and also considering activity participation and efficiency.
4.2、The effectiveness of the classroom operation strategy
The effectiveness of the classroom operation directly affect the effectiveness of the classroom teaching of English in primary school, so in the classroom teaching, how to effectively use of teaching resources, create valuable teaching situation? How to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning words? How to design effective teaching structure? How to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching? Exploration and study on the effectiveness of a series of classroom operation strategy is imminent.
4.2.1 Classroom activities to the teaching goal: to clear
How to improve the effectiveness of classroom operation? LiXueHua education foundation said. "the overall objectives of stage English course is to cultivate students the comprehensive application capability", students can use English to do things "is the main target of classroom teaching. In English classroom teaching in elementary school teacher is widely used to student life, easy to students to participate in the experience of task-based activities. For example, in the teaching of "75 please" teaching content, the teacher can design "to McDonald meal" activities, lets the student practice food words and sentences express need some food. This is the goal of teaching activity is clear. Students use the food and food expression ability of developing to a certain extent and some activities. The teaching goal is not strong, even directivity pointing error of the teaching goal, as in teaching can you 6 fast? This text, teachers can design more interesting sports competition with each other, let the student can you 6 fast? As the race, in which a refueling player though students can speak activities can you 6 fast? But easy to let the student can use can you mistakenly 6 fast? To give players, like this can cheer to the activities of teaching goals is not considered a effective teaching.
4.2.2 The creation of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students
Mr Rogers said "successful education depends on a sincere trust and understanding of the relationship between teachers and students, relies on a safe and harmonious classroom atmosphere." In English classroom teaching process and create a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere, can make to learn good heart condition, make students in active emotional state, in order to make students learning initiative and happily.
In English teaching, teachers, students' English level with jagged, should fully respect and understand students, especially for difference of them without the efforts to find their sparking tried to encourage and help them to establish confidence, introduce some study method, and teach them some improving brain exercise methods memory. Homework to present the wrong, don't simply wrong with the red pen, deny it, the right place is drawn out, DOOG sketching PIONT or
skills in hand:
The importance concentrating on having set forth thinking in images culture first
joins the main body of a book having brought forward a few matters needing attention and feasible
method. The thinking in images ability is that the student develops ability should concentrate on
cultivating by process middle, strengthening imagining a thinking ability, may accompany this or
spur on other the ability development rise, meeting make a student enjoy not shallow benefits in
study about and job in the hereafter. Need in cultivating working in teaching secondly, questioning
an ability pays close attention to specially. The activating student is questioned being able to
concentrate student attention , is improves the interest studying; Can develop the mind , develop
intelligence; Can couple back the teaching appraising , regulating and controlling a teacher's; But
also can guide student's thinking direction , the arrangement of ideas expanding thought extent ,
improving thought, more important lying in can let a student learn how to study , how to think
deeply that.
Finally, in the chemical experiment teaching's thought raise took in chemistry teaching the important link, this article has also carried on the detailed discussion.