
06-22 34阅读


1.手机麻将有挂是真的吗这款游戏可以开挂,确实是有挂的,通过添加客服微信 2.咨询软件加微信【】在"设置DD功能DD微信手麻工具"里.点击"开启". 3.打开工具.在"设置DD新消息提醒"里.前两个选项"设置"和"连接软件"均勾选"开启"(好多人就是这一步忘记做了) 4.打开某一个微信组.点击右上角.往下拉."消息免打扰"选项.勾选"关闭"(也就是要把"群消息的提示保持在开启"的状态.这样才能触系统发底层接口)

NBA achievement

[ul][li]4次NBA总冠军:2000、2001、2002、2009(洛杉矶湖人队) [/li][li]6次NBA西部冠军:2000、2001、2002、2004、2008、2009(洛杉矶湖人队) [/li][li]1次NBA总冠军赛最有价值球员:2009 [/li][li]1次NBA最有价值球员:2008 [/li][li]11次NBA全明星球员:1998、2000-2009 [/li][li]3次NBA全明星赛最有价值球员:2002、2007、2009 [/li][li]11次NBA最佳阵容: [/li][ul][li]NBA第一阵容:2002-2004、2006-2009(7次)[/li][li]NBA第二阵容:2000、2001 [/li][li]NBA第三阵容:1999、2005 [/li][/ul][li]9次NBA最佳防守阵容: [/li][ul][li]NBA防守第一阵容:2000、2003-2004、2006-2009(7次)[/li][li]NBA防守第二阵容:2001、2002 [/li][/ul][li]NBA最佳新秀阵容:第二阵容(1997) [/li][li]1次NBA全明星赛扣篮大赛冠军:1997 [/li][li]2次NBA常规赛得分王:2006(35.4分)、2007(31.6分) [/li][/ul]

NBA career milestone

[ul][li]NBA史上纪录 [/li][ul][li]NBA历史上第一个高中生后卫 [/li][li]最年轻入选最佳防守阵容(2000) [/li][li]最年轻入选全明星赛首发阵容(1998) [/li][li]最年轻入选最佳新秀阵容(1997) [/li][li]NBA历史上平均得分排行榜第十(25.1分) [/li][li]NBA历史上总得分排行榜第十七(23820分) [/li][li]NBA历史上单季平均得分第九(2006, 35.4分) [/li][li]NBA历史上单季总得分第七(2006, 2,832分) [/li][li]NBA历史上单场得分第二(2006, 81分) [/li][li]NBA历史上单场三分球命中数并列第一(2003, 12个) [/li][li]NBA历史上三位能够得到四场60分或以上的球员之一 [/li][li]NBA历史上三位能够在连续两天的比赛中得到50分或以上的球员之一 [/li][li]NBA历史上第二位连续四场以上得到50分或50以上的球员(2007年3月16日对波特兰开拓者队得到65分,2007年3月18日对明尼苏达森林狼队得到50分,2007年3月22日作客对孟菲斯灰熊队得到60分,2007年3月23日作客对黄蜂再得到50分, 从而超越了乔丹与前湖人球员艾尔金·贝勒 (Elgin Baylor) 的连续三场50+的记录, 仅次于张伯伦的连续7场50+的记录) [/li][li]NBA历史上第二位于单一赛季内十次得到50分或50以上的球员(仅次于张伯伦于1961-62年赛季的45次及1962-63年的30次) [/li][li]NBA历史上取得40分或以上第三多的球员(96场,截至2009年3月1日,仅次于张伯伦的271场及乔丹的173场) [/li][li]NBA历史上取得50分或以上第三多的球员(23场,截至2008年4月6日,仅次于张伯伦的118场及乔丹的38场) [/li][li]篮球圣地麦迪逊广埸最高得分61分 [/li][/ul][li]湖人队史纪录 [/li][ul][li]第一个高中生球员 [/li][li]第一个夺得NBA扣篮大赛冠军的队员 [/li][li]出场比赛球员第二年轻(1996年11月3日主场对明尼苏达森林狼,18岁2个月又11日,仅次于球队年轻的中锋拜纳姆) [/li][li]第一高分81分(2006年1月23日对多伦多猛龙队) [/li][li]两次平球队单节最高得分(30分,2005年12月20日主场对达拉斯小牛队及2006年11月30日主场对犹他爵士队) [/li][li]取得40分或以上最多的球员(96场,截至2009年3月1日,超越了贝勒的88场) [/li][li]取得50分或以上最多的球员(23场,截至2008年4月6日,超越了贝勒的17场) [/li][li]第三位取得4000助攻的球员 [/li][/ul][/ul]


[ul] [li] 1 times Olympic men's basketball gold: 2008 [/ li] [/ ul]



前言:根黑腐病是草莓的一种复杂疾病,它能降低草莓的活力和产量(Wing 等, 1994)。丝核属(Rhizoctonia)和 腐霉属(Pythium),等几种病原菌就是其病源。它可通过带病植物材料传染移植苗床和大田生产系统(Abad 等 2002; Martin, 2000)。此外,疫霉菌属(Phytophthora spp)也能导致草莓发生冠腐病、根腐病,甚至植株死亡。前期草莓试验中,我们利用常规方法从定植前后的受害根组织分离出了几种病原菌。其中最常见的有:恶疫霉(Phytophthora cactorum), 拉曼被孢霉(Pythium irregulare), 丝核菌(Rhizoctonia fragariae),及镰刀霉(Fusariumspp.)(Ferguson 等. 2003)。定植前从裸根和匍匐茎茎尖分离病菌能反映其受土壤传播性病原菌侵害的实际情况。目前,无病植株(disease-free)已由NC(北卡罗来纳州)认证项目投入使用,它能减少叶片和果实疾病的发生,但对复杂的根腐病的效果却十分有限。当前,几乎全靠使用化学药剂防治草莓根腐病,特别是利用甲基溴(Methyl Bromide)进行熏蒸。在东南部几个州进行的实验表明, 同甲基溴熏蒸相比,如不采取土壤熏蒸可导致减产高达25%(Ferguson等, 2001, 2002)。我们在开发取代甲基溴(MB)的化学药剂或复合药剂方面获得了重大进展(Ferguson 等, 2003;Fernandez 等,2000;Louws等, 2000)。尽管如此,采用替代性熏蒸剂仍不能使“莓农”免遭移植苗受感染的严重威胁。因此,有必要利用生物防治技术以减少草莓生长季节发生根腐病的风险。本研究的目的就是开发并实施一种强调利用生物学途径的有害生物综合治理方案(IPM)来防治草莓根腐病。众所周知,木霉菌(Trichoderma sp.)对土壤传播性病原菌有显著的生物防治作用。(本在研究中), 我们对两种木霉生物防治菌株在抑制根腐病、促进植株生长以及提高草莓产量方面的效果进行了评价。




Black root rot is a complex disease of strawberry that can reduce plant vigor and productivity (Wing et al, 1994).

根黑腐病是草莓的一种复杂疾病,它能降低草莓的活力和产量(Wing 等, 1994)。

Several pathogens, including Rhizoctonia and Pythium, are causal agents of this disease and may be introduced into transplant and field production systems on infested plant material (Abad et al. 2002; Martin, 2000)

丝核属(Rhizoctonia)和 腐霉属(Pythium),等几种病原菌就是其病源。它可通过带病植物材料传染移植苗床和大田生产系统(Abad 等 2002; Martin, 2000)。

In addition, Phytophthora spp. cause crown rot, root rot, and plant death.

此外,疫霉菌属(Phytophthora spp)也能导致草莓发生冠腐病、根腐病,甚至植株死亡。

In previous strawberry trials, we have routinely isolated several pathogens from root lesions both prior to planting and after field setting. Among the most frequently isolated pathogens were: Phytophthora cactorum, Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia fragariae, and Fusarium spp.(Ferguson 等, 2003).

前期草莓试验中,我们利用常规方法从定植前后的受害根组织分离出了几种病原菌。其中最常见的有:恶疫霉(Phytophthora cactorum), 拉曼被孢霉(Pythium irregulare), 丝核菌(Rhizoctonia fragariae),及镰刀霉(Fusariumspp.)(Ferguson 等. 2003)。

Pre-plant isolations from both bare-root plants and plugs produced from runner tips showed substantial levels of colonization with damaging soilborne pathogens.


Although the use of “disease-free" plants, now made available by the NC certification program, should reduce foliar and fruit diseases, the impact of this program on the root rot complex will be minimal.


Currently, management of strawberry root rots relies nearly exclusively on chemicals, particularly fumigation with methyl bromide.

当前,几乎全靠使用化学药剂防治草莓根腐病,特别是利用甲基溴(Methyl Bromide)进行熏蒸。

In trials conducted in the Southeastern states, up to 25% yield losses can occur if soil fumigation is not used compared to methyl bromide fumigation (Ferguson et al. 2001, 2002).

在东南部几个州进行的实验表明, 同甲基溴熏蒸相比,如不采取土壤熏蒸可导致减产高达25%(Ferguson等, 2001, 2002)。

Although we have made substantial progress in developing chemical and compost-based alternatives to MB (Ferguson et al. 2003; Fernandez et al 2000; Louws et al. 2000),infested transplants still present a serious risk to growers even if an alternative fumigant is adopted.

我们在开发取代甲基溴(MB)的化学药剂或复合药剂方面获得了重大进展(Ferguson 等, 2003;Fernandez 等,2000;Louws等,2000)。尽管如此,采用替代性熏蒸剂仍不能使“莓农”免遭移植苗受感染的严重威胁。

Management practices that favor biocontrol activity and reduce the risk of root rot development during the growing season are needed.


The goal of this component of our research program is to develop and implement an IPM system for managing strawberry root rots with emphasis on biological approaches.


Trichoderma species are well known for their biocontrol activity against soil borne pathogens.

众所周知,木霉菌(Trichoderma sp.)对土壤传播性病原菌有显著的生物防治作用。

We have evaluated the effectiveness of two Trichoderma biocontrol strains in suppressing root rot and promoting plant growth and productivity on strawberry

在本研究中), 我们对两种木霉生物防治菌株在抑制根腐病、促进植株生长以及提高草莓产量方面的效果进行了评价


One, company nature

The Beijing Hualin cause company full title for the Beijing Hualin great industry galvanization equipment limited company (industry and commerce registration), is a stock-company type enterprise, the registration time is on June 25, 2001, the registration capital in cash is 500,000 Renminbi, fixes property to achieve more than 2 million Renminbi at this point. The company produces the sales electrogilding production line by the scale, galvanizes the equipment, the three wastes handling equipment, the environmental protection equipment and so on primarily. Additionally builds the production sale semiconductor decontaminatin unit project from 2002, foreign continued all correlations service take the Beijing Hualin cause electronic installation limited company, the company all finance conditions and the skeleton still by the Hualin great industry galvanization equipment limited company as the main body, therefore was called the Beijing Hualin cause company.

Two, in company scale and frame

The Hualin cause company area more than 7,000 square meters, have more than 2,200 square meters productions workshops, the staff achieved 60 people, are the small and medium-sized enterprises. In the company the team average age is 32 years old, is fills the vitality and the vigor young troop. The main department is: General manager room (3 people), finance department (3 people), engineering design department (11 people), production department (40 people), market sale promotion department (3 people), post-sale service department (5 people).

Three, the company is employed the scope

The Hualin cause company is the production configuration enterprise, mainly produces the project is three bulks.

Semiconductor equipment (clean craft primarily):

1, the quartz tube clearer (lies, vertical, completely automatic, semiautomatic, manual)

2, chip clearer ()

3, silicon chip clearer ()

4, the quartz tube acid soaks the clearer ()

5, silicon chip corrosion machine ()

6, wet Taiwan.

7, blue, work clothes clearer ()

8, developing machine.

9, the principle (installs) the piece machine.

10, trillion sound wave clearer

11, ventilation chamber

12, nitrogen storage machine

13, silicon chip

Galvanizes the equipment:

1, plates respectively plants the specification computer control completely automatic galvanization production line

2, galvanization factory entire factory equipment

3, the negative pole and the anode electricity swims paints the production line

4, aluminum oxidation production line

5, each kind of specification rolls plates the production line and rolls plating machine

6, chemical plating production line

7, various varieties, the specification plates the trough

8, three wastes handling equipment

Engineering plastics design and processing:

1, domestically produced PVC, UPVC, PP, plate processing and so on PE (for import welding apparatus and material)

2, Germany imports PP, PVDF, PVC, CPVC (for import welding apparatus and material)

3, import engineering plastics plate, good material, tubing, molding proxy sale.

Four, company productivity

The Hualin cause company by galvanizes the equipment and the semiconductor equipment production primarily.

The galvanization equipment annual production reaches (03 year from May to 04 years May) 3.9 million Renminbi, the design production galvanization line is contains completely automatic line 4, the waste water processing system three sets, the entire factory galvanization equipment designs a set (in design), the copper extract stirs the system three sets (to export Zambia).

Semiconductor equipment production value(03 year from May to 04 years in May) 570万万 the multi- Renminbi, the design and produces quartz tube clearer 27 (to contain two completely automatics), silicon chip clearer 29 (contain four completely automatics), wet Taiwan five, blue clearer, silicon chip corrosion machine two, manage piece machine two (in manufacture).

The synthesis productivity estimated for galvanizes the equipment ten sets, semiconductor decontaminatin unit 150, output value 12 million.

Five, company market feedback

The product quality achieved the measure unit to be used standard, antirevisionism rate is 7%,

Production cycle short, excellent in quality, the price justice, the post-sale safeguard is good is the customer appraisal.

Six, company intelligence

The Beijing Hualin cause limited company is the Beijing galvanization association members.

The Beijing Hualin cause limited company is the Chinese semiconductor profession association members.

Seven, the company and the similar company compare

The Hualin cause company earlier period take galvanizes the equipment production and the semiconductor equipment downriver part production enterprise, the development as the independent research and development, the design, the production, processes a body the production configuration enterprise, has been through repeatedly four years, nimble is mobile, fast adapts the market, grasps the quotation tendency, grasps the customer demand, is the human takes charge of the fast development the essential condition. At the same time, production cycle short, quality qualified, the price justice, the post-sale safeguard is good is wins in its enterprise solid foundation. Distinguishes thoroughly between similar state-owned enterprise's extremely fat, dilatory, not the practical attitude, in the cost control, the personnel mixes and so on the aspect has the obvious difference.

Eight, company enterprise idea

Humanist, the technical innovation, the service customer, the pursue is remarkable

Nine, company enterprise objective

Take the standardization, the rationalization, the standardization, efficiency, as a criterion, provides the high quality product and the thorough service.


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in November, 2001, the Hagendasi original parent company food happy company announced officially with the American General Mill consolidation of corporation. The general mill food Limited company established in 1866, was one of global biggest Food companies, was also the wealth 500 strong one, internationally had the champion company's fine reputation. the 2005 year, Hagendasi already in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen and so on ten cities has opened 50 exclusive agencies. Achieves more than 1000 in the national retail outlet. Lu this Matas is Hagendasi so why expensive, actually Guang Shou welcome?

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ASTAK食物。INC5-18 ISUKI-CHOHAKI,东京,JAPANTEL:81-465-282828传真:81-465-282829


ASTAK电子、INC5-18 ISUKI-CHOHAKI、东京、JAPANTel:81传真:81-465-282828 - 465 - 282829 - 5月。2001亲爱的张先生,我们已经收到你的电子邮件MAY.24,2001。考虑后,我们已确认以下报价和accep-ring:1.商品:罐头MUSHROOMS2.Packing:出口国CARTON3.Specification:24罐X 425 GRAMS4.Quantity:1700箱/ FCL5.Price:usd 7.80 /卡通CFR C2%DAMMAM端口。允许6.5%或多或少的数量和价值。7.付款:买方应出具不可撤销的信用证90天一眼throughBANK赞成卖方在6月6日之前,2001年表明信用证应validin东京虽然谈判后10天内装运,信用证须注明合同Number.alue。8.交货时间:收到IRREVOCABLESIGHT信用证后20天内。转运不允许,不是allowedShipm分批装运

